Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Crashpost: My first post!

Hello, fellow bloggers!
My name is Jackie Riley, aka Crash. That's my real nickname, don't ask. Anyway, I live in a tiny town in northern Michigan and I'm a writer. Well, a novice writer...hell, a wannabe-but-need-some-serious-help writer. One suggestion was to create a blog to show off my writing talent, so here it is for all of you to see: It Sounded Funny When I Wrote It... Here on this blog, I will post chapters from books I am writing, some jokes I have written, anything I wrote from my vast humor bank lodged in my head. I won't dawdle about my personal life (that's on my other blog on Myspace, http://www.myspace.com/purplelleopardprint) or pop culture or how much the president sucks; this is just a blog on things I have written. Want to comment? Go ahead, I need all the help I can get. Advice? Go for it? Want to send me a bologna sandwich? Hey, how'd you know I was hungry? Anyway, enjoy the blog and please don't throw rotten fruit on me.
'Til cows fly,

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